

  • Now QtAsyncRunner.close() will cause all running coroutines to never be called back into the main thread.

    Letting coroutines resume into the main thread after close() has been called can be problematic, specially in tests, as close() is often called during test teardown. If the user missed to properly wait on a coroutine during the test, what can happen is that the coroutine will resume (when the thread finishes), possibly after resources have already been cleared, specially widgets.

    Dropping seems harsh, but follows what other libraries like asyncio do when faced with the same situation.

    We might consider adding a wait flag or something like that in the future to instead of cancelling the coroutines, wait for them.

  • AsyncTester.start_and_wait() now receives an optional timeout_s parameter, which overwrites AsyncTester.timeout_s.


  • New attribute AsyncTester.timeout_s, with the timeout in seconds until start_and_wait raises TimeoutError.



  • Relax requirements for PyQt to >=5.12.


  • Added missing py.typed file, enabling type-checking.


  • Fixed small linting issues, automatic deploy.


First release.